Beulah Murals

Buelah Murals
Buelah Murals
Buelah Murals
Buelah Murals
Buelah Murals

The Beulah Historical, Learning & Progress Association applied for and received funding through the Federation Grants Scheme, Victoria, to bring to the area a visual and appealing look at Beulah’s history from its inception, since the first land was applied for in 1881, until the present time.

It was thought that our future generations would gain the greatest benefit from this project by seeing and living with some of the beautiful heritage we, as a district, can be so proud of.

A threefold plan emerged to have a set of murals painted and placed around the town, a notice board of significant events, and to reproduce some of our many historic photographs.

This project has been ongoing since March 2000, and the final Mural was erected on the Henty Highway in 2003.

Beulah Murals
Beulah VIC 3395

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